Sunday, March 28, 2010

Origin of Symmetry

I told you it would be a while between posts. I still don't have regular access to a computer, so updates will still be few and far between.

Moving on with this new series that no one cares about but me...

Muse's second album, Origin of Symmetry!

On this album, you can really hear Matt Bellamy stretch his legs a bit. Showbiz was great, but only hinted at where his song-writing was heading. Here, Muse begins to truly define their sound. Both guitar and bass utilize heavy distortion on most of the album, and the keyboard shows its face in nearly all of the songs. Many of the songs feature a drastic change in sound mid-song.

It's hard for me to list some of my favorite highlights of this album. How about the whole album? Eh, almost...

I guess I'll begin by pointing out the ones that I don't connect with as much. I've never really been able to get into "Darkshines." It has an awesome bass line, but for some reason, it just doesn't grab me as much as the rest of the album. "Screenager" might not be one of my favorites either. I like it, but don't love it.

So let's call the highlights every other song on Origin of Symmetry, shall we? If I have to pick an absolute favorite, let's go with "Citizen Erased." It's seven minutes and twenty seconds of pure unadulterated genius.

I don't have much else to say today, so I suppose I shall leave you with a video from this album. This song contains my favorite guitar riff ever, and I absolutely love it! Here's "Plug In Baby." I'd like to post the official video to it, but I can't find one that allows embedding. Anyway, here's the audio, at least! Enjoy!

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