Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some really random thoughts...

I've been buying a lot of albums lately. It's hard to keep up with. This is probably more of a dilemma to me than it is to most people. I don't think I quite think like the rest of the world. As I get ready to hop in my car, I flip through my CDs, and it takes me forever to figure out which one I want to take with me. That's not really a big deal, but what's weird is that I feel a little intimidated trying to make that little decision. Do I want to take a CD that I know really well and can sing along with? But if I do that, then I miss out on getting to know another album a little better. Or what about a mix? There's nothing like having no clue what song is gonna pop up next. But the majority of my mixes consist of released singles, and so many albums have real gems on them that were never released. Such a little decision, but there are so many things to consider...

There's almost always music playing in my apartment. But I don't really sit down and listen to whole albums here. I think part of that is not really having a stereo system. I know, right? What kind of music freak doesn't have a stereo? I'll tell you what kind: the broke kind. I do have a CD player here, but it's a little portable one that I keep in my bedroom so I can sleep to the radio. The music playing in my apartment is usually just random songs I look up on youtube or play from my Rhapsody library. And I like to throw on my headphones to help me get through the house-cleaning (when it actually happens).

Playing at this moment: Faith No More - "Epic"

I do most of my album listening in my truck. I'm the kind of person that will take the long route just to let a couple more songs play.

I wish I knew more song lyrics. I feel like I know a LOT of songs, but not really the lyrics. Maybe a lot of choruses. But really, I usually don't know the whole songs. Is it weird that I worry about that? I think so. Sometimes I wish I could download song lyrics into my head like in the Matrix or something.

I think I've taken you through quite the run of random thoughts. But I just had the urge to let you into my head a bit. These are things that I actually think about. A lot. So if you see me staring into space, I'm probably running through a song in my head, or plotting what album I want to try to get to know next.

As usual, I need to close out with a song. I just bought Ordinary Riches by Company of Thieves. I know I posted "Oscar Wilde" in a blog a few months ago, so I'll go with another song from that album. So far, I'm really liking this entire album.

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