Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ok, Whatever x 11

So apparently, I have been tagged in this thing where I have to say 11 things about myself, then answer 11 questions.  Ok, so I don't have to.  I suppose no harm will befall me if I choose to rebel against this endless chain of pointlessness.  I'm gonna do it anyway though.  Part of it.  I shall not be continuing this process by tagging 11 people.  Mostly because I have no one to tag.  I have not carved out a niche within the blog community, so I'm just gonna say my stuff, and let it be.

11 Things You Don't Know About Kim (probably)
1.  As much as I love music and concerts, I was at the ripe, old age of 21 before I attended my first concert.
2.  I don't like lemon in my tea.
3.  I have more horror movies than any other genre in my DVD library.
4.  I can't bring myself to get rid of my Lou Bega CD.
5.  I have a completely irrational fear of the dark.
6.  My favorite color is cerulean.
7.  I worked very hard (and got very drunk) discovering the perfect appletini recipe:  2 oz sour apple pucker, 1 oz vodka, 1 dash of lemon juice, shaken then strained into a chilled cocktail glass.  Garnish with a single maraschino cherry dropped into the center.  Go ahead and try it, then tell me you don't love it. :P
8.  I can read both of the Japanese alphabets (but no kanji...)
9.  I was 21 when I rode my very first roller coaster.
10.  I have a mental block when it comes to taking pills.  I guess I just overthink what I'm doing, so my tongue always gets in the way of a pill and my esophagus.
11.  I am a HUGE Star Wars nerd, though I've fallen behind on the latest books.

So that's that.  Now for the 11 questions posed by my sister to her 11 peeps tagged:

1.   What is the chore you most hate doing?  All of them.  I can't really pick a least favorite.
2.   Books:  Do you prefer e-readers or bound print?  Bound print, definitely.  I just like having the phsycial book in my hands and seeing it on my bookcase.  
3.   Have you been outside the continental 48 states?  Where?  Yes.  The Bahamas when I was a wee little lass, then England and Scotland when I was 15, then Ireland and England again when I was 20.  In a year or so, I believe I'll be able to add South Korea to that list! :D
4.   If you won an all-expense paid trip to anywhere in the world for one week, where would you go?  Okinawa.
5.   Do you eat breakfast?  Sometimes.  
6.   What's something that you are passionate about?  Music, which I'm sure is obvious given that I've dedicated a blog to it.  
7.   Do you use coupons when you do your grocery shopping?  If I happen across one, yes, but I don't go digging for them.  
8.   If you were to go to the movies tonight, what would you see?  Actually, I DID go to the movies tonight, and I saw The Grey.  
9.   Musicals?  Love 'em or hate 'em?  Fucking love them.
10. Do you have any live plants in your house?  (Please don't answer that if they are illegal.) No.
11.  How many times a week do you eat out?  Maybe 1-ish.

I shall not pose 11 questions of my own since I won't be tagging anyone.  

Friday, January 27, 2012

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

First, the small news, then the big, K?

I bought another album!  It's my second album of 2012!  Aaaand, it's more J-Pop.  In the last update, it was Yui's Holidays in the Sun.  This time, it's Regeneration by Chemistry:

The song that piqued my curiosity was "Period."  I absolutely love that song.  When I listen to it, I feel like anything is possible.  It did give me misconceptions about the album though.  "Period" is pop-rock.  While still bearing the trademark catchiness of pop, there is a significant guitar presence throughout the song.  It's the only song like that on the album.  However, that ends up not being a bad thing.  I'm incredibly picky when it comes to pop music, but I love this album!  I think I might actually love it just a little bit more than the more laid-back Yui album.  The electronic dance beats that permeate Regeneration are infectious and resound in your head all day.  If you're into it, check out "Go Alone," "Dawn," and "Life Goes On."

Anyway, enough of that, moving on!! BIG NEWS!

KIM'S GOING TO A GIG!!   ~*mwee*~

It's all kind of happened pretty fast, but I am going to see Frank Turner in St. Louis on February 21st!! Who is Frank Turner, you ask?  Yeah, I had to ask that, too...  Here's the story:

Remember that superbly awesome Muse concert I attended in Raleigh back in 2010?  I met some great people there that I have still kept in touch with.  Several friendships were formed that night, and more than a few Muser meet-ups have taken place in its wake.  But poor little Kim went and moved to the other end of the state, so she's pretty far removed from her music buddies.  Then, I learned that my friend M (who lives aaaaall the way in Florida) will be trekking west for this show with another Muser, C.  St. Louis is only about four hours from here, which is a completely reasonable drive for someone used to making a six-hour drive on a regular basis.  Four hours is considerably more manageable than the umpteen it would take to get to Florida, and she said she'd have some downtime that day, so thus the plan for the trip came into being.  Then, it didn't take much to sell me on the show.  In fact, I bought the ticket before I even listened to a single note from Frank Turner's guitar.  I've since given him a listen though, and I must say that I love it!  This show is going to be GREAT!  I get to go to my first gig in over a year, and I get to hang out with two awesome people all day!  I was so happy, I cried.  I am not exaggerating.  This is the first thing I've had to look forward to in so long.  I already know that this trip is going to be amazing.

So that's my news!  Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go listen to Frank Turner some more and marinate in my happiness.

(I love the lyrics to this song!)

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


So, I bought my first album of 2012!  What album, might you ask?  This one:

Yep.  Kim likes J-Pop.  Usually, I settle for picking up songs here and there, but occasionally, I've been known to pick up an album (like Boa Kwon.  Love her!!).  I heard the single "Again" on an anime, and I fell in love with it (Yep. An otaku to boot.  Does my nerdiness know no bounds??).  So, recently, I finally decided to order the whole album.  It came in today, and it was so worth it!  I really, really like it.  So far though, "Again" is still my favorite.  I guess it was ultimately a good thing that iTunes didn't have this song since I enjoy the album so much.  Well, iTunes had a version of it, but not the real one.  For some reason, iTunes seems to only release super vanilla covers of songs featured on popular anime.  And when I say "super vanilla," I mean it.  Come on, iTunes, there's a growing market for this stuff!  There are plenty of nerds like me out there.