Monday, August 31, 2009

Getting on my soapbox for a minute...

I encountered a couple of my musical pet peeves last night. The first, of course, was someone mouthing off about how this band and that band “sucked.” Why does this rub me the wrong way? Because everyone’s taste in music is unique to them. Music is such a subjective topic. You could sit down and discuss what makes music “good” until you’re blue in the face, but in the end, it’s still only your opinion. Let me set up an example of a few of my likes and dislikes in music. As I’ve said before, I like a strong melody, I like heavier guitar riffs, and I like a good drum beat. A couple of things I’m not really into are death growls and thrash guitars. But someone else could be just the opposite of me. What I’m trying to say is that every quality that you like in music, you like. For every quality that you don’t like in music, someone else does like. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. So sometimes I get a little frustrated whenever someone starts trashing someone else’s taste in music. Music is extremely personal, and I think what you listen to becomes a part of yourself. Therefore, I think we could all stand to show a little respect for what others listen to.

I said I encountered a couple of my pet peeves last night. The other one I haven’t mentioned yet is when people knock it when someone else listens to bands that have any kind of mainstream popularity. These are the people that wave around the names of unknown bands like a status symbol. Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s great to listen to the little guys! I’ve got my share of them floating around my music library. There are a lot of great bands out there that haven’t “made it” yet, and I think it’s great to get out there and discover them. But there are those out there who would actually abandon a good band once they’ve become successful, claiming that they’ve “sold out.” That’s just another one that rubs me the wrong way. Yes, most of the bands I like are varying degrees of mainstream. I think it’s great that I’ve never heard of most of the bands you’re listing off, but don’t start flaming me because I listen to “popular” artists. See paragraph one. Lol The same basic principle applies here. We all like what we like, and that’s all we can do. So I think we should respect that.

Lol I’m getting off of my soapbox now. Just one more thing I wanna say before I go for today. I love making mix CDs. I’ve got a couple of themed ideas in my head right now, and I am so excited to make them! Both are gonna require a lot of musical research though. At some point in the near future, I want to take you on a tour of my favorite mixes, but you’ll see these as soon as I make them. I won’t tell you what the themes are quite yet though. You’ll just have to wait and see! Anyway, here’s a song, and I’ll post my Tuesday new release blog tomorrow!

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