Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ep. 16: Kim Loves Three Days Grace

Three Days Grace

Formed: 1992
Albums: 3
Breakout Single: "I Hate Everything About You," 2003
Seen live? Yup!

One of the few straight-up rock bands on this series. I mean, it's still alt rock, but it's...a more...mainstream.......alt rock...yeah, genre is a squishy subject.

Despite the heavier style, they still write melodic music, which is probably why it appeals to me so. They don't really venture into unknown territory, but they manage to leave their own fingerprint on the genre (perhaps my use of the word "genre" is a little contradicting, given my previously stated issues with it, but oh well). That's not an easy task to accomplish.

I talk of their music tending toward the heavy side, but here's one of their ballads from the latest album, "Last to Know."

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