I had to take my dog to the vet recently. It was just her annual exam and vaccinations, but it put a dent in my bank account. Then I shamelessly blew some money on a shirt (I rarely pay full price for any article of clothing, but this shirt was worth it...). Plus, I've been thinking about the whole Raleigh thing...I want to know I've got that covered. As soon as that $200 check comes in from the leasing office, I'm getting my name down for 2 nights at a Motel 6. Then I'll continue putting money back each week for general traveling expenses...
Still going to the show solo. But I've been lurking through the messageboards on Muse's website, and there are a lot of people on there going to the show. I'm gonna see if any of them mind if I meet up with them and tagalong for the day so I won't be so ronery.
Awwwww, wook at wittle Kim, all gwown up. lol