Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ep. 16: Kim Loves Three Days Grace

Three Days Grace

Formed: 1992
Albums: 3
Breakout Single: "I Hate Everything About You," 2003
Seen live? Yup!

One of the few straight-up rock bands on this series. I mean, it's still alt rock, but it's...a more...mainstream.......alt rock...yeah, genre is a squishy subject.

Despite the heavier style, they still write melodic music, which is probably why it appeals to me so. They don't really venture into unknown territory, but they manage to leave their own fingerprint on the genre (perhaps my use of the word "genre" is a little contradicting, given my previously stated issues with it, but oh well). That's not an easy task to accomplish.

I talk of their music tending toward the heavy side, but here's one of their ballads from the latest album, "Last to Know."

Sunday, September 19, 2010

It's Official...

Weezer have gone crazy.

They've begun work on their ninth studio album. Album number eight was released less than a week ago. They're mad men.

But dammit...

I love them.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Ep. 15: Kim Loves the Smashing Pumpkins

Formed: 1988 (breakup 2000-2006)
Albums: 8 (8th is ongoing)
Breakout Single: "Cherub Rock," 1993
Seen live? Yup! Though not with the original lineup...

I freakin' love these guys. One of the best things about them is their (and by "their" I mostly mean "Billy's") ability to conjure a "signature sound" and stick to it, while managing to manipulate that sound and create something unique with each piece. That's not an easy task.

This band could be my number 3 band. That's still not definite though. While I'm intimately familiar with songs throughout their catalog, there are still many that I have yet to dive into. These guys are up there though. Seeing them live was sublime (even though only Billy remains).

How do I choose a song to post here? There are so many I love. Hmmm..."Eye" or "Perfect"...Let's go with "Perfect," from their fourth album, Adore.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ep. 14: Kim Loves Silverchair

Formed: 1992
Albums: 5
Breakout Single: "Tomorrow," 1995
Seen live? No... :(

This band has done the opposite of most of the other bands on the list. They've lost popularity as the years have worn on. In the United States, at least. They are still one of the most popular and most successful bands in Australia.

You've heard me say multiple times that I like and expect for bands to evolve their sound over the course of their career. Silverchair is an extreme example of this. They look and sound absolutely nothing at all like they did when they first gained popularity. In fact, they've almost completely cut ties with their old sound. The last time they played "Tomorrow" live was in 1999. They said then that they were sick of it, it didn't go with their present sound at all, and that it may be ten years before they ever drag it out again. It's been eleven, and still no "Tomorrow." The only song from that album that even makes it to their current setlists is "Israel's Son."

Their present sound is a bit experimental. These guys are my second favorite band of all time because they keep changing their sound, and I keep loving it. My favorite albums are Neon Ballroom and Diorama. Great stuff.

Here's a live version of "The Greatest View" that's superior to the album version. Love it!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Ep. 13: Kim Loves Radiohead

Formed: 1985
Albums: 7
Breakout Single: "Creep," 1992
Seen live? No :(

This is actually a new-found love of mine. I still haven't made my way through all of their albums, but I've yet to come across something I don't like. Plus, if you'll remember, their third album, OK Computer, is on my 5 Deserted Island CDs list. I love that album.

There's really not much to say here. They're one of the biggest, most well-known bands in the world for a reason. Like most bands, they've changed with time. They've long since parted ways with the sound of their first album, Pablo Honey. They're in the studio now, recording album #8. Will I nab it when it's out? Probably.

This is old Radiohead, but this is one of my favorite music videos, ever. And Radiohead still won't tell what the man said at the end. I think it has something to do with the repeated line, "We do it to ourselves." I think maybe the man realized that everything in the world, everything that's bad, we all brought on ourselves. We have no one to blame but us. So maybe if we just give up, and stop doing anything, then maybe the world will be a better place. Or maybe he said that if you lie down like this, you can see Thom Yorke up on the balcony. Who knows? Here's "Just."

And dammit, it's another video that's disabled. Do me a favor, and go watch it will ya? It's a great one.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Deftones: A Madhouse

Ok, so I woke up this morning with an insanely sore throat, and by this afternoon, I had a slight fever. Did that stop me from going? Of course not! I paid for that ticket, and I wanted to see them. A little sickness wasn't about to stand in my way.

I didn't really plan on buying a shirt, but I did anyway. Every show that I've been to that I haven't bought a shirt, I've always regretted it later. So I boughts me a shirt.

There was only one opening band. They were called This Will Destroy You, and they really were something else. They were a purely instrumental band, but man, they rocked! They had a very interesting sound. I loved it live, but I don't think I could buy an entire album of it. I was thinking as I listened to them, that they would sound great on a movie soundtrack. As I'm perusing their page on Wikipedia, I see that their music has been used in a few movies. Each song started soft and eerie, then gradually built up into this cacophony of sound. I can't quite describe it beyond that, but I highly recommend you check out a tune or two by them.

Then when the Deftones came on...I've said before that there's always that one guy that decides to mosh. As the Deftones took the stage and kicked into their opener, the crowd exploded into a mosh pit, all at once. Everyone was absolutely craaaaaaazy. I like to be up there and in the thick of it, but I had to concede defeat and move to the back. It was pretty awesome to see all that happen. They didn't stop until the band left the stage at the end of the night. It was one hell of an experience.

Also, for another first, between bands, the guy in front of me suddenly squatted down and lit up. At first, I couldn't tell if it was a joint or just a cigarette (he never would have made it back to his spot if he had left for the smoking area). Then the smell hit. Ha. Squatting, smoking a joint...this dude was gettin' ready. Haha. He kindly offered a hit to all of us around him, but no one took him up on it. Hehe.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

10 Years pics

Ok, so here's my subpar phone pics of 10 Years (as Jesse strips on stage).

Jesse Hasek, fully clothed:

Jesse Hasek, open shirt:

And finally, Jesse Hasek, TOPLESS:

Pretty, ain't he? My phone doesn't really show distance very well, but for these, I was the same distance from the stage as I was for the Sick Puppies. I started off even closer, but I moved back a tiny bit to hang with the couple I met.

Friday, September 3, 2010

10 Years (This post contains explicit language)

The 10 Years show was tonight. I had been looking forward to it sooooo much. I LOVE 10 Years! There were three opening bands, all of which were local (10 Years is also from Knoxville, so they usually try to help out some of the local bands in the area when they're in town).

The first, Digital Summer, was decent. The second, American Plague, was blah. The third, The Few, kicked ass! I had actually sorta seen them before (part of them, anyways...). Some of them used to be in a band called Vertigo (including the amazing female lead singer), and when that band dissolved, they got together with some of the remnants of another recently broken band, Thoroughfare, and boom! The Few was born. They were awesome. If I had had cash on me, I would have picked up their EP at the end of the show. I'll definitely look into it though.

Then the time finally came: 10 Years! They were so amazing! They have so much energy on stage. Simply amazing. If you ever have the chance to see them, I highly recommend it (if you're into that type of music, of course). And at the end of the show, Jesse stage dove twice! The first time, he leapt to the opposite side of the crowd than me, and the second time, he passed within mere inches of my fingers!! Blast!

So what detracted from the night and kept this concert from jumping to my list of tops? The ASSHOLES moshing behind me! At just about every rock concert, you have one guy who tries to get a pit going, and everyone else around him subdues him pretty quickly. Not this time. This time it was about 4 idiots who decided a mosh pit was needed. I hope I don't sound too square when I say this, but I HATE mosh pits. Why? Because I do not ENJOY getting HEADBUTTED in my FUCKING KIDNEY!! And when I wasn't dealing with the moshing assholes, I was dealing with the entirely too drunk bitch who kept grabbing my shirt, my arms, my shoulders, because she was too fucking drunk TO STAND. And she was trying to do much more than stand, and she just about took me down with her two or three times. I know I gave her a good elbow right square in the tit at least once, but I really think she was too drunk to feel it. I missed out on two of my favorite songs (Actions & Motives, and 11:00) because I was trying to stand my ground against the drunk bitch and the asshole moshers. Fuck.


Anywho, I went to this concert alone, as is happening more and more lately, but this one wasn't too bad, in that sense. I chatted up the couple next to me in line, and they introduced themselves. When we got in, we went our separate ways. Before the first band made it out though, I felt a poke on my arm. It was the girl from the line. "Are you lonely? Do you wanna come stand with us?" "Sure! Why not?" So I got to hang out and talk with them for the rest of the show. They were really big 10 Years fans, and tonight was their first concert they had been to in 8 years. It was nice to have fellow fans to talk to.

I forgot to charge my camera before the show (which is a shame because I was pretty darn close, and would have gotten some excellent shots), so no pics or video to post.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A difficult, but smart, decision

I've been doing some thinking. I think I need to can the idea of making it to the October 20th 30 Seconds to Mars show in Nashville. At first, I thought, "Yeah sure, I can spread the money around and make it work." But upon more thought, I don't want to stretch the money. I want to know everything's taken care of. Dammit...I'm making adult decisions...had to happen sometime...

I had to take my dog to the vet recently. It was just her annual exam and vaccinations, but it put a dent in my bank account. Then I shamelessly blew some money on a shirt (I rarely pay full price for any article of clothing, but this shirt was worth it...). Plus, I've been thinking about the whole Raleigh thing...I want to know I've got that covered. As soon as that $200 check comes in from the leasing office, I'm getting my name down for 2 nights at a Motel 6. Then I'll continue putting money back each week for general traveling expenses...

Still going to the show solo. But I've been lurking through the messageboards on Muse's website, and there are a lot of people on there going to the show. I'm gonna see if any of them mind if I meet up with them and tagalong for the day so I won't be so ronery.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ep. 12: Kim Loves Paramore


Formed: 2004
Albums: 3
Breakout Single: "Misery Business," 2007
Seen live? Nope. They came to town in April, but I saw Three Days Grace instead...

Another pop rock band, eh? Can't help it. I love'em. Yeah, Hayley is fun to sing along with in the car, but I really love the sound, too. Even though they are a young band (plus, though they formed in 2004, they were able to release their first album as soon as 2005), you can definitely hear progress from album to album.

Somehow, I had never heard of them until a friend of mine bought Riot! (second album). I didn't listen to it, but he said that the album was great and that I really needed to check it out. I went home, and noticed that "crushcrushcrush" was available on Rock Band, downloaded it, and fell in love. Then I listened to the rest of the album and loved it, too.

Here's "Brick by Boring Brick" from the new album, Brand New Eyes. I think the song and the video are both beautiful. It's about the people who see only what they want to see so that they won't have to face what's actually there. Good stuff.

Aaaaaaand I just realized that the record label has disabled any embedding of the vid, so if you're curious, you'll have to actually go to youtube to watch it. Anywho, here's the song.