The 10 Years show was tonight. I had been looking forward to it sooooo much. I LOVE 10 Years! There were three opening bands, all of which were local (10 Years is also from Knoxville, so they usually try to help out some of the local bands in the area when they're in town).
The first, Digital Summer, was decent. The second, American Plague, was blah. The third, The Few, kicked ass! I had actually sorta seen them before (part of them, anyways...). Some of them used to be in a band called Vertigo (including the amazing female lead singer), and when that band dissolved, they got together with some of the remnants of another recently broken band, Thoroughfare, and boom! The Few was born. They were awesome. If I had had cash on me, I would have picked up their EP at the end of the show. I'll definitely look into it though.
Then the time finally came: 10 Years! They were so amazing! They have so much energy on stage. Simply amazing. If you ever have the chance to see them, I highly recommend it (if you're into that type of music, of course). And at the end of the show, Jesse stage dove twice! The first time, he leapt to the opposite side of the crowd than me, and the second time, he passed within mere inches of my fingers!! Blast!
So what detracted from the night and kept this concert from jumping to my list of tops? The ASSHOLES moshing behind me! At just about every rock concert, you have one guy who tries to get a pit going, and everyone else around him subdues him pretty quickly. Not this time. This time it was about 4 idiots who decided a mosh pit was needed. I hope I don't sound too square when I say this, but I HATE mosh pits. Why? Because I do not ENJOY getting HEADBUTTED in my FUCKING KIDNEY!! And when I wasn't dealing with the moshing assholes, I was dealing with the entirely too drunk bitch who kept grabbing my shirt, my arms, my shoulders, because she was too fucking drunk TO STAND. And she was trying to do much more than stand, and she just about took me down with her two or three times. I know I gave her a good elbow right square in the tit at least once, but I really think she was too drunk to feel it. I missed out on two of my favorite songs (Actions & Motives, and 11:00) because I was trying to stand my ground against the drunk bitch and the asshole moshers. Fuck.
Anywho, I went to this concert alone, as is happening more and more lately, but this one wasn't too bad, in that sense. I chatted up the couple next to me in line, and they introduced themselves. When we got in, we went our separate ways. Before the first band made it out though, I felt a poke on my arm. It was the girl from the line. "Are you lonely? Do you wanna come stand with us?" "Sure! Why not?" So I got to hang out and talk with them for the rest of the show. They were really big 10 Years fans, and tonight was their first concert they had been to in 8 years. It was nice to have fellow fans to talk to.
I forgot to charge my camera before the show (which is a shame because I was pretty darn close, and would have gotten some excellent shots), so no pics or video to post.