Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Concert Marathon has begun!

Yeah, so guess who's been falling behind on their blog series? Oh well, whatever, nevermind... (hee hee...that there be a lyric).

Between now and October, I have five concert tickets, four of which happen within about a month (and there's a possibility of a sixth one being thrown in for September. More on that later). Tonight was round one, right here in Knoxville.

Headlining: Halestorm

Opening: Adelitas Way, New Medicine, and Skytown Riot

Let me begin by saying this: This. Show. Was. Amazing. Everyone who was there was there for Halestorm, and because Halestorm and Adelitas Way have played together in Knoxville so much, everyone knew their music really well, too. There was so much energy there in the crowd tonight, and the crowd's energy can really make or break a concert.

According to the Valarium's website, Since October was supposed to be there, too, but they were a no show. I don't know if they just can't make the first few dates on the tour or if they just had something come up at the last minute for this particular stop. Either way, they weren't there.

The first band that went on was a local band called Skytown Riot. I was definitely into their music. They're on iTunes. I'm thinking I just might download their album. Perhaps you should check them out as well. I wonder if they come off as great in the studio as they did on stage. We'll see.

New Medicine took the stage next. They reminded me a little bit of Cage the Elephant, using similar styles in the verses. Only a little bit though. They also put on a great live show. I don't know if I felt them as much as Skytown Riot. I'll check them out a little more on iTunes before I completely form an opinion on them.

Then Adelitas Way came out. This was the fifth time I had seen them. This was probably the best time yet. Lead singer Rick's voice was still a little weak, but I've heard him be spot on before. They do a massive amount of touring, and I know that's hell on one's vocal chords. He still did a great job. Like I said before, so many of the people that were there had seen these guys multiple times, so the energy was solid. The majority of the crowd knew the words to every song they threw at us. It's great to be in a crowd that's totally rocking out. You feed off of each other's energy, and I like to think that that energy empowers the band as well. Great times. My question though: what's the deal with "Inside?" I really like the song, but it's not on the album. Wonder if they're saving it for the next...gonna have to use my own methods to nab that one, it looks like...

I'm not sure words can express the electricity of Halestorm's performance. They're always solid, but tonight, they were on fire. Lizzy's voice was impeccable, as usual. I don't know how she does it. It's usually especially difficult for female vocalists to stay on pitch and project in this environment, but I don't know if I've ever heard her miss a note in the four times I've seen them. The song choice was great. They played every song on their debut album, plus a couple of covers, and I do believe a couple of new songs as well. I think their next album could be quite promising. Again, I think what really made a difference was the energy in the crowd. It's so amazing when everyone is into it. And perhaps Lizzy says all the things that she says to every other city that they land in, but I like to think that they really do have a special place in their hearts for Knoxville. I hope, anyway.

Oh, and for the record, Lizzy threw out her bracelets after the show. I totally caught one. Whoo hoo! And on my way out, I patted Keith Wallen of Adelitas Way on the arm and said that they were great tonight. Then I tittered off like I did something naughty. Celebrity is in the eye of the beholder. All in all, it was a great night.

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