This post is inspired by my own encounters at shows and encouraged by a comic a read a while back.
I love that every show I go to is a unique experience. Not just because of what happens on stage, but also because of the goings-on in the crowd. However, not all of the latter experiences are desired and can be downright annoying. Let's look at those, shall we? And remember: when you go to a concert...DON'T BE THAT GUY!!
Concert Attendee Party Fouls
1. The Rock Show Amnesiac
This is the person who gets plastered before the first band sets foot on stage. I'm all for pregaming and feeling good throughout the show, but I think it kinda defeats the purpose if you're going to be spending the duration of the concert in alcohol blackout, plus the likelihood that you'll sick up all over your fellow concert-goers is pretty high. Prime example: A woman stumbled up to my friend and me at the Smashing Pumpkins concert, and asked us (in slurred words, might I add) if we were into women. When we replied no, not our thing, she asked us if we would kiss for her. When we passed on that one, she then tried to "hook us up" with every guy in the vicinity, finishing with asking us if we wanted to go to an orgy after the show. Indeed she was funny, but it qualifies as annoying, too.
2. The Solo Mosher
This happens at nearly every show I've been to. Let's face it, the days of moshing are over. Somewhere along the line, concert-goers tired of getting trampled and breaking limbs and decided to enjoy the music in a less destructive fashion. But there's always someone who decides they're going to start shoving everyone around them and try to get the pit started. It's kinda funny the angry reaction this elicits these days.
3. The San Diego Chargers.
These are the people whose goal is to have nothing between them and the stage, and they don't care how they get there. This varies in severity from the mild, but annoying, "Excuse me, sorry, I'm just trying to get to my friends," to those who lie in wait for the crowd to start jumping to plow through as hard as they can.
4. The Bachelorette
These are the girls who seriously overdress for the show. They do the hair and make-up, don the most revealing dresses in their wardrobe, and then complete the look with a pair of strappy heels. They're not there for the band, they're there for the bad boys who like the band. All I have to say is good luck in those heels, chick.
5. Mr. Grabby Hands (this one's for you, Pam)
This is the guy who's at the show because the Bachelorettes are at the show. In such a big crowd, how can she possibly know who grabbed her ass? And no, you certainly didn't qualify as a "Bachelorette" that night, Pam. Haha. You were just nearby and lookin' hot! ;)
So in summation....
Pace yourself. You can feel good and not make a fool of yourself at the same time.
Chill out! It's possible to go crazy and not take out everyone in a 10 foot radius.
You're not the only one that wishes they were closer. So stop pissing off everyone else and enjoy the show!
If you want to look good, it's totally possible to look good and be comfortable at the same time. And trust me, your feet will appreciate the effort.
Keep your hands to yourself, unless you want your ass beat. One of these days, you're gonna grab the WRONG ass.
So remember, kids. Go to all the concerts you can. And DON'T BE THAT GUY! :)