Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sweet Serendipity

The most amazing thing happened today, and I have to share!  It kept me in a good mood all day!  Here's my story:

So, a few days ago, I ordered Coheed and Cambria's No World for Tomorrow from Amazon.  I'm missing three of their seven albums, so I thought I'd work on filling in the gaps.  Anyway, it came in today, which was exciting enough.  The mail came right before I left for work, so I just tossed it in my truck to listen to on my way in.  The case and liner notes were for CoCa, but when I opened the case, the CD didn't look right.  It was a bit too colorful, and I couldn't imagine what the letters SA had to do with anything in the Amory Wars, so I thought "Well,'s the wrong disc."  I figured I would pop it in anyway, just to see what was going on...

Well, it most definitely was not Coheed and Cambria.  My first thoughts were "SHIT, I was really looking forward to listening to that, and now I have to wait some moooooooore whine whine," but as I listened I realized that I recognized the voice that was sounding from my speakers.  I knew that I had heard that voice somewhere, so I began to skip through the songs to see if I landed on one I recognized.  No dice.  Now, it was driving me crazy.  How did I know that voice?

Then it hit me!

Remember my Valentine's Day love songs post?  One of my friends responded with a recommendation for one of her favorite songs by one of her favorite bands:  "Walk Through Hell" by Say Anything.  I really liked the song, so I downloaded it immediately, and I've been listening to it some since.  That song had made me curious enough to want to check out more by the band, though I hadn't gotten around to it yet.  Yep, you guessed it!  It was a Say Anything album in my CoCa case!  I listened to it all the way to work and all the way home, and I really, really like it! 

Okay, so this might not sound like much to you, but to me, this was amazing.  I mean, I still want No World for Tomorrow, of course, but I just kept thinking... Of all the cds that could have accidentally made their way into that case, it just happened to be one for a band that I was only introduced to a couple of weeks ago and have been wanting to investigate? 

I haven't even made it all the way through the album yet, and I love it.  I feel like we have a bond now.  It's just meant to be, right?

Here's a live acoustic version of one of my instant faves from the album: