I've been experiencing a great deal of musical frustration lately. By lately, I mean for the past year. It's one of those things that's cumulative. The more time that passes, the more out of the loop I become. I used to be on top of what's new. I surfed the billboard charts, plowed through youtube, streamed KROQ. Now, I can't do any of those with any kind of efficiency. Living in the sticks can be nice, but it also means you have nothing but a shitty internet connection to work with. That, combined with the very limited radio formats offered in the area, means that new music makes it to my ear at an incredibly slow pace. I'm never out of the loop when it comes to music. And now I am. This makes Kim a sad panda.
There is one exception though. I did buy an album recently. A brand, spanking new album. First time in a while for that. It was the new Evanescence album. Hey, hey, HEY now, shut up. Among my fellow music enthusiasts (here's lookin' at you, music snobs of the world), Evanescence is frowned upon. But if you've read some of my previous posts, you know my stance on that. When it comes to music, it's personal, and you will like what you will like. It's pointless to rag on somebody for it. So rag all you want, I'm impervious to such things. Dammit, I'm rambling again. I should probably get to the point...
Anyway, I bloody love the album. It fully satiates my shameless love for Evanescence. There are two ballads in particular that just...floored me. Amy Lee can write some purty ballads, but these go above and beyond all expectations. The first, "Lost in Paradise," starts out as traditional ballad fare, but then it builds and builds until it hits the bridge, which hits my ears with such a beautiful ferocity that it's just...I dunno...it's just something. Moving. The second, "Swimming Home," sounds like nothing she's ever written before. It's almost sweet. Evanescence doesn't usually do "sweet." "Melancholy" is more their style. Now that I'm really thinking about it, I suppose "Swimming Home" is perfect median between "sweet" and "melancholic." Anywho, whatever it is, it's interesting and beautiful in its simplicity. It has already leapt into my top ten most played songs on iTunes. If I could add the number of times it has played in my truck, it would have an insanely high play count. I suppose I will wear it out eventually...maybe.
I suppose that's all I have to say for now. Bye bye for now. Here's "Swimming Home" if you're at all curious.
Gah. Or not. I can't get youtube to load the embedding code. Whatever. Here's a link if you want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzR-_GwVc3E